Privacy Policy


È fondamentale per fornire ai clienti le migliori soluzioni basate sulla loro specifica disponibilità di budget, condizioni logistiche ed esigenze di produzione.


Siamo in grado di soddisfare il maggior numero di richieste di produzione di stampi su misura. I relativi vantaggi possono essere descritti con 3 frasi chiave: Ottimizzazione della produttività, risparmio economico e aumento della qualità del prodotto finale.


I relativi vantaggi possono essere descritti con 3 parole chiave: Incremento della produttività, risparmio economico, la più alta qualità nel prodotto finale.

The types of information requested from you and the manner in which that information is collected and assessed are determined by the requirements of the country in which the position is located, and not the country in which you reside.
Subject to the restrictions described below, any information about you which is obtained by Expomat during the recruiting process may be retained by Expomat for purposes of considering your qualifications for employment, as well as for more general management and research purposes. This information may include a limited amount of information of a sensitive nature – that is, information about your racial or ethnic origin, health and/or criminal record. Expomat may send your information to a department or office other than the one in which you may have initially been interested in obtaining employment. This may include a department or office located anywhere in the world where Expomat’s worldwide organisation does business from time to time. If Expomat does not employ you, Expomat may nevertheless retain and use this information so as to be able to consider your qualifications later if a suitable position becomes available and, if appropriate, refer back to this if you submit a resume or other information to Expomat again in the future, as well as for more general management and research purposes.

Please note that all hiring decisions are made exclusively by the entity which will ultimately employ any successful candidates.

The personal information you supply on the local profile form will only be made available to the Expomat recruiters that are recruiting for that country and others in that country who may interview you. That personal information will not be made available to Expomat recruiters (or others) recruiting outside that country.

If you do not wish to answer any questions on the local profile form, you may opt out of completing your profile. Requisition requirements vary by country – please feel free to submit your information to another requisition.

By submitting your information, you acknowledge that all representations made by you are true and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief, and you have not knowingly omitted any related information of an adverse nature. You understand that any inaccurate information may make you ineligible for employment.

By submitting your information, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the foregoing and consent to the uses of your information as set out above.

The information provided below describes, as required by the EU Regulation 2016/679, the processing operations performed on the personal data by Expomat s.r.l..
The data controller, to whom the person concerned may refer the matter to defend their rights, is Mr. Miani Felice Federico. He can be contacted here:

Processing of personal data
Purposes – Customers, collaborators and suppliers personal data will be collected only for commercial, administrative and tax purposes. The processing does not involve the profiling.
The transfer of data to third countries (contact details only) is permitted only under customer request to meet his demands for supply or advice.

Data-processing system – Personal data will be processed  through either paper or dematerialized form.
All entities accessing computer data are password protected; access to personal data is only permitted for purposes connected to the role of the operator and for as long as necessary to deal with the request for which the customer contacted Expomat.
Personal data will be communicated, only if absolutely necessary, to the appointed accounting firm and to the sales network (business data exempted from the GDPR).

Data shall not be reported to other entities, unless you are being asked to give consent.
Data storage period – Personal data provided by you are being stored for the estimated time in accordance with current legislation: in particular, accounting data shall be kept for 10 years (since the last contract established with our company) and at the end of that period they will be deleted from our paper and electronic files.

Areas of data communication and dissemination – Personal data shall not be reported in any way, but they shall be reported to bodies responsible for administrative or institutional purposes, according with current legislation.
Consequences of lack of consent to the processing of personal data – The consent to the processing of personal data is essential in the event that we would transfer data to a third country .

The processing for administrative purposes shall be made according to the adopted data protection legislation and to the national and international guidance, in accordance with the arrangements stipulated by the Garante’s Data Protection Officer.
The person concerned has the right to amend or to withdraw the consent at any time by approaching directly our office.
Data subjects’ rights – Data subjects have the right to obtain, at any time, access to their personal data as well as rectification or integration of such data or the restriction of the processing concerning them, or the erasure of personal data, if that does not conflict with the General Data Protection Regulation (administrative and tax purposes).

Data subjects have the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority in case of unlawful processing of personal data or in case of delay by the data controller in the response to a request falling within subjects’ rights.

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